📚 Before and After School Care Program (Grade 1 to Grade 6) Part Time

📚 Before and After School Care Program (Grade 1 to Grade 6) Part Time


Before and After School Care Program (Grade 1 to Grade 6) Part-Time

Our programs are designed to:

  • encourage children to interact and communicate in a positive way and support their ability to self-regulate

  • foster the children’s exploration, play and inquiry

  • offer opportunities to create authentic lasting relationships with others in the program.

Our goals for children, consistent with the Alberta’s Education’s requirements include the following:

  • Every child has a sense of belonging when he or she are connected to others and contributes to their world.

  • Every child is developing a sense of self, health, and well-being.

  • Every child is a capable communicator who expresses himself or herself in many ways.

The type of activities include:

o sensory/art including drama, music, dance, and visual arts

o daily opportunities for physical activity and active outdoor play

    • opportunities for school-age children to work on their homework

o opportunities for children to develop social skills and relationships

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$ 700.00 Full Time (with PD Days)

$ 658.00 Part Time (Minimum 3 days) * PD Day & Spring Break NOT Included

  • ADMINISTRATION FEES + 50% DEPOSITS due upon confirmations of the registration.

  • SPRING BREAKS 2023 - $215.00 PER WEEK

$ 55.00 (Registration Fee – One-time payment only)

$ 180.00 (Material Fee – One-time payment only yearly)

$ 80.00 (Material Fee - One-time payment only - Part-Time Enrolment*)